
So, you just convinced your new client to go Collaborative. The other spouse is not represented. How do you convince the other spouse to also go Collaborative? Send him or her a letter? Let the spouse who has hired you handle the sale? Send home a brochure with a list of attorneys?

Consider having your new client bring their spouse in to meet with you. Conflict of interest. If you have them sign a waiver and all you do is discuss the Process and not give legal advice I believe you are covered. I know attorneys around the State of Florida are doing this. Maybe bring a Neutral to this meeting to provide you cover and to handle the Process explanation.

Here is another novel way to sell the other side. Send the parties to a NEUTRAL. If the case appears to be financial in nature then send them to me, or one of my capable counterparts, and let us convince them. I will meet with potential clients anytime, anywhere. And the initial consultation to discuss the Process only is free. If your case is laden with child issues, or doesn’t have financial issues, send the parties to a Neutral Facilitator. Let them sell the two parties on the Process.

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